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Our experience shows most projects fit into one of four tiers of services and data sizes.

Our blueprints encapsulate the learnings of thousands of hours solving real-world data problems for our customers across a wide range of industries.

We help our customers to develop their technology strategy, built on deep insight from their data, engineered securely and efficiently in the cloud.

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Encoding categorical data for Power BI: Using label encoded data vs one-hot encoded data in Power BI

Encoding categorical data for Power BI: Using label encoded data vs one-hot encoded data in Power BI

Jessica Hill

Understand why label encoding is the preferred technique for encoding categorical data for analysis in Power BI over one-hot encoding.
Encoding categorical data for Power BI: Label encoding vs one-hot encoding - which encoding technique to use?

Encoding categorical data for Power BI: Label encoding vs one-hot encoding - which encoding technique to use?

Jessica Hill

One-hot encoding and label encoding are two methods used to encode categorical data. Understand the specific advantages and disadvantages of these techniques.
Power BI Images That Pop: A Guide to Intuitive, Easy-to-Maintain Reports

Power BI Images That Pop: A Guide to Intuitive, Easy-to-Maintain Reports

Paul Waller

Explore integrating icons, pictograms and images into Power BI in the optimal way to enhance the user experience and minimise effort required to build and maintain reports.