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Polyglot Notebooks for Ops
Polyglot Notebooks' PowerShell support enhances IT Ops with robust, repeatable processes via 'executable documentation'.

Exploring OpenChain: From License Compliance to Security Assurance
Open-source software has become an essential part of many organisation's software supply chain, however, this poses challenges with license compliance and security assurance.

Data validation in Python: a look into Pandera and Great Expectations
Implement Python data validation with Pandera & Great Expectations in this comparison of their features and use cases.

How to setup Python, PyEnv & Poetry on Windows
Explore using Python virtual environments & Poetry on Windows for smoother workflows, with a script & guide to enhance your dependency management experience.

Adventures in GitHub Actions: Episode 1 - Goodbye Azure DevOps, Hello GitHub Actions
This series will follow our ongoing journey of migrating the CI/CD pipelines for our many Open Source repositories, from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions.

How To Implement Continuous Deployment of Python Packages with GitHub Actions
Discover using GitHub Actions for auto-updates to Python packages on PyPI, assessing its role in Continuous Deployment.

The OpenChain specification explained
When implementing OpenChain, understanding the specification will help guide your organisation to having processes in place to review and manage open-source software

What are the risks with open-source software?
The key risks associated with open-source software, from whether you use it minimally, to using it throughout all your systems.

What is OpenChain?
With much of the modern world is built upon software, organisations need to understand and manage the legal and security risks associated with open-source software.

How to sign your git commits
Signing git commits proves that you are the author of the code you are pushing up to GitHub, and helps protect the integrity of your software supply chain.

Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
This post gives an overview of Continuous Integrations and shows how you can implement it with GitHub Actions, with an accompanying example Python project

Publishing Scripts to the PowerShell Gallery
Explore how to share a function from a PowerShell module as a standalone script, without maintaining two code versions.

Using Azure CLI Authentication within Local Containers
Fix broken dev loop with containerized apps on Azure CLI for Windows. Learn a workaround to avoid using outdated Azure CLI versions.

Introduction to Containers and Docker
Explore containerisation & Docker for app development & deployment. Learn to create containerised applications with examples in this intro guide.

Flex Your DevSecOps Muscles With Bicep (and get started with our cheat sheet)
Bicep provides a significant improvement in tooling for organisations seeking to deploy infrastructure as code on Microsoft Azure.

How to deploy a Vue app to Azure Static Web Apps using Azure DevOps and YAML
Deploy a VueJS app on Azure Static Web Apps using a YAML-defined Azure DevOps pipeline with Microsoft's hosting solution for static web applications.

How to use Power BI deployment pipelines to enable DevOps for analytics
Power BI deployment pipelines manage collaboration, change management, and testing of reports, enabling DevOps for analytics solutions.

How to update credentials for an on-prem Power BI data source using PowerShell
Learn to automate Power BI data source credential updates using RSA-OAEP encryption and .NET SDK helper classes for on-premises data sources.

How to consume a NuGet package in PowerShell
Learn how to import .NET packages from NuGet into PowerShell and utilize their classes/methods, while avoiding PowerShell NuGet provider pitfalls.

Does your GitHub Repo need 'Code Operations'?
CodeOps enables you to layer standards, automation, and governance to your source control repositories, decreasing manual effort and increasing productivity.

How to fix the "You need permission to access workspace..." error in Azure Synapse Analytics
Fix the "You need permission" error in Azure Synapse Analytics with this guide, addressing its causes and solutions for Data Engineers/Developers.

How to use the Azure CLI to manage access to Synapse Studio
Assign roles in Synapse Studio for Azure Synapse Analytics devs using Azure CLI. Accessible by Owners/Contributors of the resource.

GitOps: Not Just For Kubernetes!
Discover how GitOps, often used for Kubernetes management, can benefit a broader audience.

DevOps: Build Bridges not Silver Bullets
Building a system that solves even just 10% of a problem is a worthwhile endeavour, not just because of the value the 10% delivers but because its mere existence will lower the barrier-to-entry for your colleagues to collaboratively iterate on it - not so much 'Build it and they will come' as 'Build a road and they will come'

Streamline .NET Dependency Management with NuGet Meta Packages
Simplify dependency consumption & streamline integration with meta/virtual NuGet packages and tools like Dependabot.

Deploy an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace using an ARM Template
Explore deploying Azure Synapse Analytics workspaces using ARM templates, a popular infrastructure deployment method for organizations.

Advanced Azure Resource Manager template patterns – t-shirt sizing and optional resources
Implement using parameters in Resource Manager templates for optional resource deployment and configuration.

Automating creation of new ALM environments using PowerShell and Azure DevOps
Did you know that you can fully automate the bootstrapping process of setting up an Azure DevOps enviornment? This post shows you how.

A Step by Step Guide to Connecting to an Azure Virtual Machine with PowerShell Remoting
Learn how to use PowerShell Remoting to connect to an Azure Virtual Machine; a useful technique for managing servers like cattle, not pets.

A Step by Step Guide to Automating TeamCity Backups
In this blog post, I provide a how-to guide for automating your TeamCity backups using a PowerShell script.

A Step by Step Guide to using GitFlow with TeamCity – Part 2 – GitFlow - a Branching Model for a Release Cycle
In this post we show you how to get up and running with GitFlow.

An Omega Geek's Guide to Learning PowerShell
PowerShell is fantastic language for DevOps, automation and general scripting. Every developer should be familiar with it; here's a guide to some useful resources to help you learn it.

A Step by Step Guide to Hosting YouTrack in IIS 7
Step-by-step guide on setting up YouTrack and using IIS as a reverse proxy for custom domain access.