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How to Monetize APIs with Azure API Management
Explore monetizing APIs with our guide. We offer strategies, videos, and code via Azure API Management to fast-track your business model.

10 ways working with Microsoft helped endjin grow since 2010
Microsoft recently shot a video interviewing endjin co-founder, Howard van Rooijen, and Director of Engineering, James Broome, about how Microsoft has helped endjin grow over the past decade. This posts the top 10 ways in which Microsoft helped - from providing access to valuable software and services, to opening up sales channels, to helping to navigate the minefield of UK Financial Services regulations around cloud adoption.

What makes a successful FinTech start-up?
In this post we discuss the characteristics of a great FinTech startup, and the importance of the API Economy to innovation in Financial Services.

Why is blockchain revolutionising Financial Services?
There is a lot of hype about the blockchain - usually wrapped up with talk about Bitcoin and crypto-currencies. In this article, we look at its impact on trust, and auditability in financial services, and why it may (or may not) be appropriate for your solutions.

Chaos with a rhythm - controlling innovation
Running a start-up or bootstrapping a new product within an established business can feel pretty chaotic. We talk about strategies for managing the time of a team, and ensuring that you become predictable.

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 10, Organizational Structures
In the early days of a start up, the organizational structure is defined rather loosely, and typically by function. The technical founder has her domain, the sales & marketing founder his, and they work closely together to achieve their initial goals. As an organization grows, it is not possible to maintain that level of detailed personal control. How does a growing business structure itself for innovation? Or a larger organization pivot and allow an innovation culture to develop?

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 9, Iteration
Explore our journey refining our MVP, understanding market fit, and enhancing value delivery to clients.

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 8, Validation
In this article, we look at how we're going to tidy up our assumptions list, conduct some more low-cost experiments to satisfy ourselves we know exactly what we're getting into, then take the leap and build something that satisfies some core part of the value proposition, and persuade some customers to buy it.

10 ways to get hired by an amazing start up
Do you really want to be a founder? Or do you want to get some start-up experience on the inside, but at lower risk. We look at what it means to be involved in start-up and how to get hired as employee #1 (or #2, or #3)

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 7, Business model design
Business model design is all about sharing the value from the product. How do we ensure all the stakeholders get what they need out of it?

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 6, Follow on markets
Although you do not want to lose focus on the beachhead market, it is always good to consider the TAM for follow-on markets. If we do this thing, where might we take it next?

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 5, Getting to paying customers
Ultimately (however long you can put it off for by taking investment), you don't have a business if people aren't paying you more money than it costs to develop, acquire the customer, deliver it to them, and support them for their whole lifetime with the product. We look at how you can get to paying customers.

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 2, Inception
The article is all about the very start of new product development: determining whether there is a market, and how the offering will fit that market's needs. We're trying to get a very quick, but comprehensive sketch of the whole product, and the market it is intended to address.

Hedy, Not Peck
Evolving a proposition or product by increasing the fidelity is a better approach than incrementing feature by feature.

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 1, Principles
Kickstart product development with our series on bootstrapping. Learn tools and principles for all lifecycle stages.