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Launchpad to Success: Building and Leading Your Data Team

Launchpad to Success: Building and Leading Your Data Team

Barry Smart

This guide captures the essential points that leaders should consider when setting up a new data team.
Data is a socio-technical endeavour

Data is a socio-technical endeavour

Barry Smart

Our experience shows that the the most successful data projects rely heavily on building a multi-disciplinary team.
Data and AI Engineering Maturity - Fix our problems before we hit the buffers

Data and AI Engineering Maturity - Fix our problems before we hit the buffers

Matthew Adams

As data and AI become the engine of business change, we need to learn the lessons of the past to avoid expensive failures.
SQLbits 2024 - The Best Bits

SQLbits 2024 - The Best Bits

Barry Smart

This is a summary of the sessions I attended at SQLbits 2024 - Europe's largest expert led data conference. This year SQLBits was hosted at Farnborough IECC, Hampshire.
No-code/Low-code is software DIY - how do you avoid DIY disaster?

No-code/Low-code is software DIY - how do you avoid DIY disaster?

James Broome

No-code/Low-code democratizes software development with little to no coding skills needed. But how do you evaluate if software DIY is the right choice for you?
Wardley Mapping - Exploring the Mining Value Chain

Wardley Mapping - Exploring the Mining Value Chain

Barry Smart

The article explores the opportunities that the AI, digital technology and data present for the mining industry using a technique known as Wardley Mapping.
Agile teams often get their planning and priorities wrong

Agile teams often get their planning and priorities wrong

Matthew Adams

Do you struggle to manage conflicting demands from multiple stakeholders, even when they have agreed about the relative priority of their requests? Apply a budgeting methodology to agile projects for better planning and communication with the team and wider stakeholders.
Ask the right questions to get your data insights projects back on track

Ask the right questions to get your data insights projects back on track

Matthew Adams

Learn about the thinking behind endjin's Power BI Maturity assessment by applying Wardley Doctrine, and asking more questions.
SQLbits 2023 - The Best Bits

SQLbits 2023 - The Best Bits

Barry Smart

This is a summary of the sessions I attended at SQLbits 2023 in Newport Wales, which is Europe's largest expert led data conference.
Putting total cost of ownership (TCO) into action

Putting total cost of ownership (TCO) into action

Barry Smart

Total cost of ownership can be used a various stages in the lifecycle of a digital asset to support data driven decisions.
How to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO)

How to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO)

Barry Smart

There is a broad spectrum of costs that a digital asset will accrue over its lifetime, which will typically span many years.
What is the total cost of ownership (TCO) and why is it important?

What is the total cost of ownership (TCO) and why is it important?

Barry Smart

Understanding the total cost of ownership is key to making informed decisions about technology investments.
A simple toolkit for IT budgeting and planning

A simple toolkit for IT budgeting and planning

Barry Smart

We describe how to create a high level view of your digital assets, where everything is measured equally and actionable insights can be generated that allow you to optimise your budget and build a roadmap focused on business value.
SQLbits 2022 - The Best Bits

SQLbits 2022 - The Best Bits

Barry Smart

This is a summary of the sessions I attended at SQLbits 2022 in London, which is Europe's largest expert led data conference.
A visual approach to demand management and prioritisation

A visual approach to demand management and prioritisation

Barry Smart

Explore a simple, visual approach to prioritisation that aids decision-making and stakeholder engagement.
How to Monetize APIs with Azure API Management

How to Monetize APIs with Azure API Management

Howard van Rooijen

Explore monetizing APIs with our guide. We offer strategies, videos, and code via Azure API Management to fast-track your business model.
Digital Asset Register

Digital Asset Register

Barry Smart

We describe how to create a high level view of your digital assets, where everything is measured equally and actionable insights can be generated.
How to enable intra-business communication using user stories, BDD specs and a ubiquitous language

How to enable intra-business communication using user stories, BDD specs and a ubiquitous language

Carmel Eve

Endjin uses user stories, BDD specs, and a ubiquitous language to bridge the communication gap between stakeholders and tech teams.
Data is the new soil

Data is the new soil

Barry Smart

Thinking of data as the new soil is useful in highlighting the key elements that enable a successful data and analytics initiative.
Do robots dream of counting sheep?

Do robots dream of counting sheep?

Barry Smart

Some of my thoughts inspired whilst helping out on the farm over the weekend. What is the future of work given the increasing presence of machines in our day to day lives? In which situations can AI deliver greatest value? How can we ease the stress of digital transformation on people who are impacted by it?
Learning from Covid-19

Learning from Covid-19

Barry Smart

Summary of key themes from the Doing Data Together conference hosted virtually by The Scotsman newspaper and Edinburgh University in November 2020. The conference agenda was pivoted to focus on the use of data to help tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. It provided a fascinating insight into the lessons learned.
How to use SQL Notebooks to access Azure Synapse SQL Pools & SQL on demand

How to use SQL Notebooks to access Azure Synapse SQL Pools & SQL on demand

Howard van Rooijen

Wishing Azure Synapse Analytics had support for SQL notebooks? Fear not, it's easy to take advantage rich interactive notebooks for SQL Pools and SQL on Demand.
Azure Synapse Analytics: How serverless is replacing the data warehouse

Azure Synapse Analytics: How serverless is replacing the data warehouse

James Broome

Serverless data architectures enable leaner data insights and operations. How do you reap the rewards while avoiding the potential pitfalls?
Benchmarking Azure Synapse Analytics - SQL Serverless, using Polyglot Notebooks

Benchmarking Azure Synapse Analytics - SQL Serverless, using Polyglot Notebooks

James Broome

New Azure Synapse Analytics service offers SQL Serverless for on-demand data lake queries. We tested its potential as a Data Lake Analytics replacement.
Does Azure Synapse Analytics spell the end for Azure Databricks?

Does Azure Synapse Analytics spell the end for Azure Databricks?

James Broome

Explore why Microsoft's new Spark offering in Azure Synapse Analytics is a game-changer for Azure Databricks investors.
5 Reasons why Azure Synapse Analytics should be on your roadmap

5 Reasons why Azure Synapse Analytics should be on your roadmap

James Broome

Explore 5 key reasons to choose Azure Synapse Analytics for your cloud data needs, based on years of experience in driving customer outcomes.
Wardley Maps - Explaining how OceanMind use Microsoft Azure & AI to combat Illegal Fishing

Wardley Maps - Explaining how OceanMind use Microsoft Azure & AI to combat Illegal Fishing

Jess Panni

Wardley Maps are a fantastic tool to help provide situational awareness, in order to help you make better decisions. We use Wardley Maps to help our customers think about the various benefits and trade-offs that can be made when migrating to the Cloud. In this blog post, Jess Panni demonstrates how we used Wardley Maps to plan the migration of OceanMind to Microsoft Azure, and how the maps highlighted where the core value of their platform was, and how PaaS and Serverless services offered the most value for money for the organisation.
Office 365 Wardley Mapping Templates

Office 365 Wardley Mapping Templates

Jess Panni

Utilize our Wardley Mapping Templates for PowerPoint & Visio; and enhance your situational awareness and technical decisions with this technique.
An experimental approach to software development

An experimental approach to software development

Carmel Eve

Endjin applies scientific experimentation to software development for validated solutions, using hypotheses for confident designs.
Help for the new CTO: Getting to know your team

Help for the new CTO: Getting to know your team

Matthew Adams

As part of my series on guidance for CTOs, I discuss using the Office of the CTO (OCTO) approach to management, its strengths and limitations.
Help for the new CTO: Transparent salaries and the gender pay gap

Help for the new CTO: Transparent salaries and the gender pay gap

Matthew Adams

Salaries. What a nightmare! Hardly anyone likes talking about money. Technical people don't like talking about money. Even a lot of sales people don't like talking about money. When a CTO comes into an organization (even a brand new start-up) one of the first things you need to sort out is the salary quagmire. In this article we look at the strategies and pitfalls of introducing open, capability-based pay levels for a product development team.
Help for the new CTO: IR35 and hiring developers

Help for the new CTO: IR35 and hiring developers

Matthew Adams

It has been a staple of IT projects to make liberal use of short-term contract staff. Upcoming changes in IR35 for medium to larger employers is seriously disrupting the IT recruitment market, and you should understand the impact bt
NDC London - A dive into responsible and inclusive technology

NDC London - A dive into responsible and inclusive technology

Carmel Eve

NDC London day 1 was mainly focused around the responsibility we all face when developing new technology. As developers we cannot absolve ourselves of the consequences of not considering diversity and inclusivity when designing our solutions.
A beginner's guide to agile estimation and planning

A beginner's guide to agile estimation and planning

Carmel Eve

Discover agile estimation principles & planning methods for project success. Dive into uncertainty, valuable estimates & agile delivery processes.
Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" is the prequel to Satya Nadella's "Hit Refresh"

Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" is the prequel to Satya Nadella's "Hit Refresh"

Howard van Rooijen

Having read Simon Sinek's 'Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action' back to back with Satya Nadella's 'Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone' I realised there was a lot of synergy between the two books.
10 ways working with Microsoft helped endjin grow since 2010

10 ways working with Microsoft helped endjin grow since 2010

Howard van Rooijen

Microsoft recently shot a video interviewing endjin co-founder, Howard van Rooijen, and Director of Engineering, James Broome, about how Microsoft has helped endjin grow over the past decade. This posts the top 10 ways in which Microsoft helped - from providing access to valuable software and services, to opening up sales channels, to helping to navigate the minefield of UK Financial Services regulations around cloud adoption.
AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Networking

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Networking

Jess Panni

Explore AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform's offerings for cloud migration. Understand their services for your specific needs.
AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Mobile Services

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Mobile Services

Jess Panni

All Bootcamped Out: the 5-day workshop survival guide

All Bootcamped Out: the 5-day workshop survival guide

Matthew Adams

We've been running workshops and training sessions for a long time now, and one thing we've learned from that is that PEOPLE DO WORKSHOPS WRONG. From MBA classes, to design sessions, there seems to be a common problem: burn-out. We give you a survival guide for multi-day bootcamps and workshops, to get the most out of them, and take care of yourself in the process.
AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Internet of Things

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Internet of Things

Jess Panni

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Analytics & Big Data

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Analytics & Big Data

Jess Panni

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Database

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Database

Jess Panni

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Storage & Content Delivery

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Storage & Content Delivery

Jess Panni

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Compute

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Compute

Jess Panni

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform

Jess Panni

What makes a successful FinTech start-up?

What makes a successful FinTech start-up?

Matthew Adams

In this post we discuss the characteristics of a great FinTech startup, and the importance of the API Economy to innovation in Financial Services.
Why is blockchain revolutionising Financial Services?

Why is blockchain revolutionising Financial Services?

Matthew Adams

There is a lot of hype about the blockchain - usually wrapped up with talk about Bitcoin and crypto-currencies. In this article, we look at its impact on trust, and auditability in financial services, and why it may (or may not) be appropriate for your solutions.
Regulatory Compliance and Cloud Adoption

Regulatory Compliance and Cloud Adoption

Matthew Adams

In this post we review the FCA's guidelines for the adoption of cloud services by FinTech businesses, and help you to understand their impact across the value chain.
FinTech Week and the Microsoft Cloud

FinTech Week and the Microsoft Cloud

Matthew Adams

To celebrate FinTech Week, we've released an eBook based our our talk about Disruption in Financial Services at Future Decoded.
Chaos with a rhythm - controlling innovation

Chaos with a rhythm - controlling innovation

Matthew Adams

Running a start-up or bootstrapping a new product within an established business can feel pretty chaotic. We talk about strategies for managing the time of a team, and ensuring that you become predictable.
Stop coding, start developing your product

Stop coding, start developing your product

Matthew Adams

Technologists often get hung up on technology and forget about the customer (and the business!) We talk about a real-world example and some practical advice for getting your idea business-focused.
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 10, Organizational Structures

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 10, Organizational Structures

Matthew Adams

In the early days of a start up, the organizational structure is defined rather loosely, and typically by function. The technical founder has her domain, the sales & marketing founder his, and they work closely together to achieve their initial goals. As an organization grows, it is not possible to maintain that level of detailed personal control. How does a growing business structure itself for innovation? Or a larger organization pivot and allow an innovation culture to develop?
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 9, Iteration

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 9, Iteration

Matthew Adams

Explore our journey refining our MVP, understanding market fit, and enhancing value delivery to clients.
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 8, Validation

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 8, Validation

Matthew Adams

In this article, we look at how we're going to tidy up our assumptions list, conduct some more low-cost experiments to satisfy ourselves we know exactly what we're getting into, then take the leap and build something that satisfies some core part of the value proposition, and persuade some customers to buy it.
10 ways to get hired by an amazing start up

10 ways to get hired by an amazing start up

Matthew Adams

Do you really want to be a founder? Or do you want to get some start-up experience on the inside, but at lower risk. We look at what it means to be involved in start-up and how to get hired as employee #1 (or #2, or #3)
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 7, Business model design

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 7, Business model design

Matthew Adams

Business model design is all about sharing the value from the product. How do we ensure all the stakeholders get what they need out of it?
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 6, Follow on markets

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 6, Follow on markets

Matthew Adams

Although you do not want to lose focus on the beachhead market, it is always good to consider the TAM for follow-on markets. If we do this thing, where might we take it next?
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 5, Getting to paying customers

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 5, Getting to paying customers

Matthew Adams

Ultimately (however long you can put it off for by taking investment), you don't have a business if people aren't paying you more money than it costs to develop, acquire the customer, deliver it to them, and support them for their whole lifetime with the product. We look at how you can get to paying customers.
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 4, Competitive Positioning

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 4, Competitive Positioning

Matthew Adams

What does "competitive positioning" actually mean? Are your competitors all solving the same problems as you, or are they the people competing for the same kind of attention, or pool of resources? We take a look at the challenges of "competition".
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 3, Understanding the Beachhead Market

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development – Part 3, Understanding the Beachhead Market

Matthew Adams

Having got a very rough sketch of our product and its fit to the beachhead market, we now want to focus right in on that market, and better understand the size of the market, the customers, and our proposition to them. In this article we are going to explore techniques we can use to define our value proposition for the beachhead market.
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 2, Inception

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 2, Inception

Matthew Adams

The article is all about the very start of new product development: determining whether there is a market, and how the offering will fit that market's needs. We're trying to get a very quick, but comprehensive sketch of the whole product, and the market it is intended to address.
Hedy, Not Peck

Hedy, Not Peck

Matthew Adams

Evolving a proposition or product by increasing the fidelity is a better approach than incrementing feature by feature.
Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 1, Principles

Step-by-step guide to bootstrapping your new product development - Part 1, Principles

Matthew Adams

Kickstart product development with our series on bootstrapping. Learn tools and principles for all lifecycle stages.
A step-by-step guide to technology startups, valuation and the VC market

A step-by-step guide to technology startups, valuation and the VC market

Matthew Adams

In this article we look at how technology startups are valued, how investors calculate their return, how you can position your business in that landscape, and whether you should!
Evidence-based Decision Making: Adding validation to your value chain

Evidence-based Decision Making: Adding validation to your value chain

Matthew Adams

Start using evidence-based decision making to add some rigour to decision making process.
It's more than just merchandise: Developing a visual language

It's more than just merchandise: Developing a visual language

Paul Waller

Laying the foundations to build a brand doesn't happen overnight. At endjin it taken many years to develop our brand look and tone of voice. In this post we talk about developing our visual language so that we can maintain a consistent look and feel across all our collateral.
Metrics & Reporting in Strategy Development

Metrics & Reporting in Strategy Development

Matthew Adams

Having a strategy is one thing, being able to measure your progress towards implementing is, and its impact is another.
Phased Thinking: Tactics for strategy

Phased Thinking: Tactics for strategy

Matthew Adams

Thinking strategically is incredibly difficult, especially if all your cognitive bandwidth is absorbed by business as ususal operational activities.
Live by the sword: A practical approach to our own digital strategy

Live by the sword: A practical approach to our own digital strategy

Paul Waller

7 years ago, feels like a lifetime - for you eldest it is - but this was when endjin took the first steps in refreshing our website promoting our cloud expertise and mobile first responsive design. In this post we talk about our strategic, creative, prototyping and production processes to deliver our website and enforce our brand.
Thinking About Strategy & Tactics: Some Practical Tips

Thinking About Strategy & Tactics: Some Practical Tips

Matthew Adams

Thinking strategically is difficult, especially if all your bandwidth is consumed by operational needs. Here are our top 5 tips for thinking strategically.