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Ian Griffiths By Ian Griffiths Technical Fellow I
Programming C# 12 Book, by Ian Griffiths, published by O'Reilly Media, is now available to buy.

Endjin Technical Fellow and 17 times Microsoft MVP Ian Griffiths has been the author of O'Reilly Media's Programming C# book series for over a decade:

and now the latest edition covering C# 12 has just been released to buy:

The since the C# 10.0 edition was published in 2022; the .NET runtime had made substantial performance improvements, and increased its reach, building on the "One .NET" initiative.

Programming C# 12 covers all of the additions and changes to the C# language that have been made since the C# 10.0 edition, including:

C# 11.0

  • Generic math
  • static virtual and abstract methods
  • raw string literals
  • UTF-8 string literals
  • list patterns
  • char span pattern matching
  • required properties
  • ref fields and scoped refs
  • generic attribute types

C# 12.0

  • primary constructors
  • default argument handling for lambdas
  • inline arrays
  • collection expressions
  • ref readonly parameters
  • improved AOT code generation support

The book is written for experienced developers who want to gain a thorough understanding of C# and the underlying .NET runtime.

Code samples from the book can be found on GitHub

Ian has also published a number of in-depth articles delving into the nuances of C# 9.0 / 10 / 11 / 12 and .NET 6, 7 and 8 which you may find interesting:

Ian Griffiths

Technical Fellow I

Ian Griffiths

Ian has worked in various aspects of computing, including computer networking, embedded real-time systems, broadcast television systems, medical imaging, and all forms of cloud computing. Ian is a Technical Fellow at endjin, and 17 times Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies. He is the author of O'Reilly's Programming C# 12.0, and has written Pluralsight courses on WPF fundamentals (WPF advanced topics WPF v4) and the TPL. He's a maintainer of Reactive Extensions for .NET, Reaqtor, and endjin's 50+ open source projects. Ian has given over 20 talks while at endjin. Technology brings him joy.