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End of Month Research Roundup – March 2014
We have a culture of sharing information at endjin; here are our highlights of interesting content shared in March 2014.
A Step by Step Guide to Connecting to an Azure Virtual Machine with PowerShell Remoting
Learn how to use PowerShell Remoting to connect to an Azure Virtual Machine; a useful technique for managing servers like cattle, not pets.
Azure Tip: Cannot connect to Virtual Machine after changing Virtual Machine Size
A quick tip on fixing a 'remote desktop could not connect' error on Azure Virtual Machines.
Building an Epic Dev Rig for less than £1600 (2014 Edition)
In this post, we show how we created bespoke gaming desktops to provide an excellent developer workstation for endjineers.
Using Git for .NET Development: Part 3 – branching and pushing your changes
How do you created branches in GIT? How do you push your changes to a remote server? How does Visual Studio help?
Using Git for .NET Development: Part 2 – basic operations and tools
How do you get started with GIT? How do you install it? What are the basic commands? How does Visual Studio help you?
Configuring TeamCity and YouTrack to use Office 365 for Email Notifications
This post shows how to use your Office 365 SMTP relay to enable email notification from TeamCity and YouTrack hosted in Azure.
End of Month Research Roundup – February 2014
We have a culture of sharing information at endjin; here are our highlights of interesting content shared in February 2014.
Using Git for .NET Development: Part 1 – What is Git?
What is GIT? Why should you use it as a .NET Developer? How do you incorporate it into your workflow? How does Visual Studio help?
Apprenticeship Week 2 – Getting Started with Behaviour Driven Development
Delving a little deeper into Behaviour Driven Development and Specification by Example.
Apprenticeship Day 5
Day 5 includes more behaviour driven development with SpecFlow, talking to a real customer over a working lunch, and thinking about evidence-based decision making.
Apprenticeship Day 4
Day 4 includes a code review, performance optimisations, an introduction to behaviour driven development and mocking.
Apprenticeship Day 3
On her 3rd day, Alice starts writing some code, and uses the Argotic framework to process some RSS and ATOM feeds.
Apprenticeship Day 2
On her second day, Alice is given a deep dive into the commercial side of the business.
Apprenticeship Day 1
Alice covers her day 1 experience of starting her apprenticeship at endjin; setting up her development environment and getting familiar with endjin's tools and systems.
End of Month Research Roundup – January 2014
We have a culture of sharing information at endjin; here are our highlights of interesting content shared in January 2014.
Equipping a kick-ass meeting room for less than £1500
In this post I kit out our new meeting room for £1500 and turn it into a collaboration and meeting space that we use on a daily basis for solution design & pairing sessions, conference calls with our clients, partners and remote workers as well as lunch time brown bag training sessions
Downloading Windows Azure Subscription Files
If you use Azure Management Studio, you can quickly setup your connections by importing your publish settings...
End of Week Research Roundup
We have a culture of sharing information at endjin; here are our highlights of interesting content shared in November 2013.
Reclaiming Space after updating to Windows 8.1
A quick tip of how to reclaim up to 10GB of space after updating to Windows 8.1
Making the move from iOS to Windows Phone 8
I've been a long term Smartphone user, and early iPhone adopter, but I've become fatigued by Apple and wanted to migrate to the new Windows Phone platform.
Azure From The Trenches: Updating Service Configuration Whilst Running In The Emulator
A quick tip for updating your Azure cloud service configuration while running in the emulator
Azure Table Storage throws a StorageException when using DateTime.Min
1601 was the year that Pierre de Fermat and King Louis XIII of France were born, Robert Devereux was beheaded in the Tower of London, the Dutch defeated the Portuguese navy in the battle of Bantam Bay and the year Shakespeare's Hamlet is thought to have been performed for the first time. Monday January, 1st 1601 (in the Gregorian calendar) was a pretty uneventful day yet the first day of the 17th century is affecting millions today.
Bootstrap 3 At A Glance - Part One - Motivations
In this post we look at the history and motivations behind the Bootstrap CSS library, and the goals of the project.
Learning to Program – A Beginners Guide – Part Twelve – Dealing with Repetitive Tasks - Recursion in F#
In this post we'll look at recursion in F#...In this post we'll look at recursion in F#...