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Building solid foundations for the Core Services Platform.

abrdn is an international investment management group, managing assets for both institutions and private investors across the globe.

They saw the strategic need to deliver their services to partners and customers through public APIs but the key to success was developing a centralized service layer over an array of disparate and heterogeneous systems.

We used the solution endjin provided to accelerate our early Core Services Platform development sprints. By providing us with a blueprint, the team was able to accomplish Sprint Zero without any impediments and have gone on to build on these foundations.

With help from endjin in the form of a production quality, Proof of Concepts, API Platform reference architecture based on Azure API Management, abrdn eliminated the need for lengthy R&D and could hit the ground running on day one.

By applying DevOps best practices to process and automation using Azure DevOps, endjin left abrdn with a frictionless path from feature development to production, allowing the team to deliver rapidly whilst ensuring the required quality at every step of the way.

We help organizations of all sizes from start-ups to global enterprises across financial services, media & comms, retail & consumer goods, and professional services.