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Ian Griffiths By Ian Griffiths Technical Fellow I
C# 12.0: collection expressions

C# 12.0 adds a new syntax for initializing the contents of expressions. This was an interesting move, given that we already had several ways of doing this. Here are three slightly different but equivalent ways C# 11.0 lets us initialize an array of strings:

var verbose = new string[] { "Horses", "Mutton", "Miles" };
var shorter = new[] { "Horses", "Mutton", "Miles" };
string[] perfect = { "Horses", "Mutton", "Miles" };

(Naturally, avoiding var leads to superior results.)

And here's the new syntax:

string[] wasThatReallyNecessary = ["Horses", "Mutton", "Miles"];

It doesn't work with var today, by the way. If you're familiar with my writing on C# you'll be aware that I'm happy with that, but it's slightly surprising given that the C# team mostly seems to have a pro-var bias. (E.g., although Roslyn has analyzer that can be used to enforce a preference for not using var, it appears to have been written by someone who never understood why someone might have such a preference, and as such it makes some very strange decisions.)

The new syntax does add new functionality, as you'll see later when I talk about spreads, but it also addresses some problems with the existing syntax.

What was wrong with the old syntax?

The old collection initializer syntax—the one with braces—worked not just with arrays but also collection classes such as List<T> and even Dictionary<K,V>. You can use it with any type that implements IEnumerable and which defines an Add method. If the Add method takes multiple arguments, as Dictionary<K,V>.Add does, we can use a nested syntax:

Dictionary<string, string> d =
    { "A", "Horses" }, { "B", "Mutton" }, { "C", "Miles" }

So it's flexible and widely supported. What's not to like?


One subtle problem is that there was no way for a type to provide direct support for initializing a new instance from a list of data. This IEnumerable + Add pattern is the only way a type can support this older syntax, and that has performance consequences. Look at this performance test:

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;


public class InitializerBencharks
    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public List<int> ListInitializer()
        return new() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

    public List<int> ListCollectionExpression()
        return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

You might expect to see no difference here, because both do the same very simple thing: each creates a List<int> containing the numbers 1 through 10. What on earth could a collection expression do that could make a difference here?

Quite a lot, judging by the benchmark results:

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
ListInitializer 89.51 ns 3.546 ns 10.400 ns 1.01 0.16 0.0516 216 B 1.00
ListCollectionExpression 24.81 ns 0.964 ns 2.782 ns 0.28 0.04 0.0229 96 B 0.44

The collection expression worked over 3x faster, and used less than half as much memory!

The problem with the IEnumerable + Add pattern is that the List<T> has no way of knowing that it's about to be initialized with a fixed-size list, so it just picks its standard default initial size (4 entries in .NET 8.0), and then doubles its size each time it runs out of space. So the first benchmark allocates a 4-entry array, then an 8-entry array, and then a 16-entry array.

We can tell the list to allocate a different initial capacity by adding a constructor argument:

public List<int> ListInitializerPreallocate()
    return new(10) { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

But this is non-obvious, and also fragile: if we happen to get the number wrong, or if something changes meaning that a once-correct number is no longer right (because we modified the list), then it won't be obvious that anything is wrong. (It's not an error to exceed the initial capacity—List<T> just allocates a larger array. This works, but it means our attempt to optimize performance fails.) You'd only discover the problem if you have tests that automatically detect performance regressions.

And interestingly, even this 'fixed' initializer version isn't as fast as the collection expression code:

Method Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
ListInitializer 83.36 ns 2.690 ns 7.933 ns 80.76 ns 1.01 0.13 0.0516 216 B 1.00
ListInitializerPreallocate 32.06 ns 0.827 ns 2.427 ns 31.94 ns 0.39 0.05 0.0229 96 B 0.44
ListCollectionExpression 20.62 ns 0.498 ns 1.388 ns 20.39 ns 0.25 0.03 0.0229 96 B 0.44

The memory usage is now the same, and this pre-allocating version is over twice as fast as the naive initialization expression, but the collection expression is significantly faster still.

How's it doing that?

Collection expressions define a way in which types can provide an optimized initialization mechanism. In .NET 8.0, List<T> does this, and you can see the benefit. I'll explain the details later, but here's the essential difference. With the old collection initializer syntax, the compiler effectively generates code that calls l.Add(1); l.Add(2); l.Add(3); ... but with the collection expression, it's able to supply all of the numbers as a Span<int> in a single call. The values can be copied into the List<int> with a single efficient loop instead of having to deal with Add after Add.

Immutable collections and other awkward types

The immutable collection types were always a bit of a pain to initialize from a list of literal values. The old collection initializer syntax requires a type that you can construct and then populate by calling Add repeatedly. ImmutableList<T> thwarts us twice here. First, it has no public constructor. Second, even if it did have one, calling Add repeatedly (as collection initializers do) doesn't actually work:

ImmutableList<int> list = ImmutableList<int>.Empty;

// Displays 0!

The old initializer syntax presumes that Add changes the object on which you call it, but of course the whole point of immutable collections is that once created, any particular instance never changes. So these Add methods leave the collection unmodified and return a new collection with the new member. This is the way to use Add with an immutable list:

ImmutableList<int> list = ImmutableList<int>.Empty;
list = list.Add(1);
list = list.Add(2);

But this illustrates why it's really just as well that you can't use the old collection initializer syntax with immutable collections: if our goal is just to end up with the populated list, we're causing a lot of unnecessary work here because each call to Add creates a fully-functional immutable list. If we don't really need all those intermediate lists, there are more efficient ways. If we've already got the values we want in some existing IEnumerable<T>, we can call AddRange. Or, there's an ImmutableList<T>.Builder type that lets us call Add many times over without paying the full cost of creating a whole new ImmutableList<T> after every single call. With the builder type, we call ToImmutable after we've made all our Add calls, so that it only does the work of building a full new ImmutableList<T> once. There's also a helper that converts any IEnumerable<T> to an ImmutableList<T>.

If anything, there are too many options, because it's not at all clear which of these would be best. So let's try them all:

public class ImmutableInitializerBencharks
    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public ImmutableList<int> Adds()
        return ImmutableList<int>.Empty

    public ImmutableList<int> AddRange()
        return ImmutableList<int>.Empty.AddRange(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });

    public ImmutableList<int> FromEnumerable()
        return new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }.ToImmutableList();

    public ImmutableList<int> Builder()
        ImmutableList<int>.Builder b = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder<int>();
        b.Add(1); b.Add(2); b.Add(3); b.Add(4); b.Add(5); b.Add(6); b.Add(7); b.Add(8); b.Add(9); b.Add(10);
        return b.ToImmutable();

    public ImmutableList<int> CollectionExpression()
        return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

If you're looking for succinctness, there's no doubt that the new C# 12.0 collection expression syntax (the last benchmark in that code) is the winner. But what about performance?

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
Adds 740.5 ns 18.24 ns 53.77 ns 1.01 0.10 0.4587 1920 B 1.00
AddRange 218.8 ns 4.95 ns 14.58 ns 0.30 0.03 0.1414 592 B 0.31
FromEnumerable 215.0 ns 4.38 ns 11.31 ns 0.29 0.03 0.1414 592 B 0.31
Builder 383.1 ns 7.73 ns 22.30 ns 0.52 0.05 0.1316 552 B 0.29
CollectionExpression 172.9 ns 4.16 ns 12.27 ns 0.23 0.02 0.1204 504 B 0.26

No matter which approach we choose, we're in a world of pain compared to a normal List<T>. Immutable lists have some desirable advantages over more conventional collections, but those don't include speed or memory efficiency. But assuming the benefits are worth it, how do our options compare?

Clearly, repeatedly calling Add directly on the ImmutableList<T> is by far the worst option. All the alternatives here wait until we know exactly what's going into the final list before creating it, and you can see that this uses under a third of the memory. (It nearly quarters the memory usage in the best case.) These are also 2-4 times faster than the naive Add, Add, Add approach. So it's good that the old initializer syntax doesn't work at all here, because that is the only thing it knows how to do, which turns out to be terrible in this case.

But notice how the new collection expression syntax is the best option by a large margin here.

This is a good illustration of what this new language feature was trying to achieve. Not only were the various options for initializing an ImmutableList<T> pretty clunky, it wasn't at all obvious which was the best. But now, we have a much simpler option for immutable collections, and it's also the fastest option.

(If you are using low-level high performance mechanisms such as Span<T> and stackalloc it's not always as clear cut. The optimal choice of list initialization mechanism can depend on contextual knowledge not available to the compiler, so in those cases, collection expressions sometimes don't produce the fastest possible code. But in the majority of code, collection expressions perform best.)

Opting in to collection initialization

How are the collection expression benchmarks able to run faster than the alternatives? This new language feature doesn't have magical capabilities—the C# compiler ultimately has to generate IL that the .NET runtime can execute, so we should be able to write code that gets the same performance without the new syntax.

Here's one way to do that with List<T>:

private static ReadOnlySpan<int> _data => new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

public List<int> ManuallyOptimized()
    List<int> l = new(10);
    return l;

That is significantly faster than multiple calls to Add simply because the List<T> can handle the change in a single step. (When you write a property with type ReadOnlySpan<int> using array syntax in this way, it doesn't really create an array. It compiles the binary representation of those numbers into a region of the DLL, and generates code that just gets a pointer to the memory containing that part of the DLL at runtime.)

Before I wrote this post, I was under the impression that this was roughly what the compiler would produce for a collection expression, but apparently not. That turns out to look more like this:

public List<int> ManuallyOptimized2()
    List<int> l = new(10);
    CollectionsMarshal.SetCount(l, 10);
    Span<int> ints = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(l);
    ints[0] = 1; ints[1] = 2; ints[2] = 3; ints[3] = 4; ints[4] = 5;
    ints[5] = 6; ints[6] = 7; ints[7] = 8; ints[8] = 9; ints[9] = 10;
    return l;

This is basically performing open brain surgery on the List<int>. It's saying "Act as though you've already been given 10 elements, and now give me direct access to your internal storage so I can put those elements in there directly".

These two manual benchmarks perform more or less identically, so why does C# generate the second, more complex-looking one? It results in a lot more IL, making the compiled program take up more space, so even if the runtime performance is identical, there's a small downside to this second approach. Why does it do it?

The big advantage of this technique is that it works equally well for dynamic contents. E.g.:

public List<int> MakeListWith(int item)
    return [1, 2, item, 3, 4];

The ReadOnlySpan<T>/AddRange technique I showed in my first manually optimized version works only if everything in the list is a constant. It also works only for certain data types—it works by embedding the raw data for the array directly into the binary of the component, and the ReadOnlySpan<int> is just a pointer to that block of memory. But it can't embed values as raw binary emitted directly into the compiled code if any of the values are going to be determined at runtime. So that's one reason the compiler uses the approach shown in ManuallyOptimized2

Also, the technique of embedding the values as a block of binary doesn't work for string, because a string has to live on the GC heap. But this CollectionsMarshal technique will work equally well for all types. So that's another reason the compiler has for preferring this. (Of course, it could use the embedded binary approach in the cases where it is viable, but since there's no measurable performance benefit, the compiler might as well use a single, consistent approach that works for all cases.)

Those CollectionsMarshal methods are pretty specialized. Evidently the compiler knows some things about List<T> and is using that special knowledge to generate this code. We can't use that trick for our own types. Fortunately, you don't need to submit a change to the C# compiler repo just to get efficient initialization for your own types. There's a more general mechanism, and it's what the immutable collections use.

The following code is effectively identical to what the compiler produced for the immutable collections benchmark in which I used a collection expression:

private static ReadOnlySpan<int> _data => new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

public ImmutableList<int> ManuallyOptimized()
    return ImmutableList.Create(_data);

The compiler knew to use this Create method because the ImmutableList<T> class is annotated with a particular attribute:

[CollectionBuilder(typeof(ImmutableList), nameof(ImmutableList.Create))]
public sealed partial class ImmutableList<T> : ...

The CollectionBuilder attribute tells the C# compiler that this type provides support for efficient initialization, which is why the collection expression code is compiled as a call to this method.

But wait a second. I just explained that there are good reasons the compiler doesn't do this for List<T>: this approach doesn't support lists with values determined at runtime. What does the compiler do if we ask for that?

private int counter = 0;

public ImmutableList<int> CollectionExpressionNonConstant()
    return [counter++, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

It produces something like this:

private struct TenInts
    private int element;

public ImmutableList<int> ManualNonConstant()
    TenInts ints = default();
    ints[0] = counter++;
    ints[1] = 2; ints[2] = 3; ints[3] = 4; ints[4] = 5;
    ints[5] = 6; ints[6] = 7; ints[7] = 8; ints[8] = 9; ints[9] = 10;
    ReadOnlySpan<int> intsAsSpan = ints;
    return ImmutableList.Create(intsAsSpan);

It defines an inline array type (something I described in a recent blog). This particular one, TenInts, is a value type that holds exactly 10 int values, and by declaring this as a local, there's no need for it to live on the heap. (In the code the compiler generates for both CollectionExpressionNonConstant and ManualNonConstant, this 10-element inline array lives on the stack.) It then passes this to the method that ImmutableList<T> identified with its CollectionBuilder attribute.

This avoids any allocation beyond the minimum that ImmutableList has to do in any case.

Why doesn't the compiler just use this mechanism for List<T>? It's because it can exploit specific knowledge about what List<T> is going to have to do. List<T> will definitely allocate some contiguous block of memory to hold its elements. (It's possible to imagine an implementation that doesn't. But List<T> is part of the .NET runtime, so Microsoft can just decide to constrain its implementation in this way.) So there's no need to assemble all the elements in a separate chunk of memory and then copy them in: we can just ask List<T> to give us a span pointing to the memory it has allocated and we can build the list directly in place. But in general, collection types won't necessarily work that way, in which case this more general CollectionBuilder mechanism is the most efficient approach.

Spread elements

So far, all the examples I've shown have created collections whose size is determined at compile time. Collection expressions add a capability not available with the old initializer syntax: it's possible for the number of items in the initializer to vary at runtime. Here's an example:

public static int[] Bookend(int[] contents) =>
    [int.MinValue, .. contents, int.MaxValue];

That .. denotes a spread element. It indicates that this is not meant to be a single element in the list: instead we expect contents to be a collection, and we want to include all of its contents at this point in the new collection. For example calling Bookend([1, 2, 3]) would produce the same list as [int.MinValue, 1, 2, 3, int.MaxValue].

This feature surprised me once I started using it. Before using it, I had understood the point of it, but in practical usage I've liked it more than I was expecting to. That might be because I've been doing a lot of work with source generators recently, and that's an area where you do a lot of stitching together of lists. But I've found the resulting code to be pleasingly expressive.

Spreads cause heap allocations

Because spreads can mean the compiler can't know how many elements some collection expressions will produce, it can't generate a fixed-size inline array type to handle dynamic list construction. In that Bookend example, it knows it's going to have to produce an array, so it just generates code that is roughly like this:

public static int[] BookendManual(int[] contents)
    int[] result = new int[contents.Length + 2];
    result[0] = int.MinValue;
    for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; ++i) { result[i + 1] = contents[i]; }
    result[^1] = int.MaxValue;
    return result;

That's fine: it was going to have to allocate the array anyway because our return type is int[], so there isn't a more efficient way to do this. But what about immutable lists?

static ImmutableList<int> BookendImmutable(int[] contents) =>
    [int.MinValue, .. contents, int.MaxValue];
The Introduction to Rx.NET 2nd Edition (2024) Book, by Ian Griffiths & Lee Campbell, is now available to download for FREE.

This turns out to do more or less exactly what my BookendManual does: it also allocates an int[]. (The only difference is that it returns ImmutableList.Create(result) to turn that into an immutable list.) So we now end up with two versions of our list on the GC heap: the final ImmutableList<int> that we wanted, but also the staged list contents in an array.

The previous section showed the compiler generating code that staged the contents of a collection on the stack. But it only does that if it can determine the final collection size at runtime. (At least, that's true in today's compiler. Details of code generation are subject to change here, because the language feature was designed to allow some implementation latitude.)

In principle the compiler could have generated code like this:

static ImmutableList<int> BookendImmutableManualStackalloc(int[] contents)
    Span<int> x = stackalloc int[contents.Length + 2]; // DANGER!
    x[0] = int.MinValue;
    for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; ++i) { x[i + 1] = contents[i]; }
    x[^1] = int.MaxValue;
    ReadOnlySpan<int> items = x;
    return ImmutableList.Create(items);

The reason it doesn't is that if contents is large, this is likely to cause a stack overflow.

The slightly frustrating thing about this is that if you can be certain that constraints in your application guarantee that contents will never be more than, say, 20 elements, you can't get the compiler to emit this more efficient code. When manually writing memory-efficient code, we often have a low-allocation code path that runs when things will fit easily on the stack, allocating only when they won't, e.g.:

static ImmutableList<int> BookendImmutableManualStackalloc(int[] contents)
    // Use stack unless contents array is large.
    Span<int> x = contents.Length < 256
        ? stackalloc int[contents.Length + 2]
        : new int[contents.Length + 2];
    x[0] = int.MinValue;
    for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; ++i) { x[i + 1] = contents[i]; }
    x[^1] = int.MaxValue;
    ReadOnlySpan<int> items = x;
    return ImmutableList.Create(items);

It's slightly disappointing that there doesn't seem to be a way to use the collection syntax here. I'd really like to write something like this:

static ImmutableList<int> BookendImmutableManualStackalloc(int[] contents)
    // Use stack unless contents is large.
    Span<int> x = contents.Length < 256
        ? stackalloc int[contents.Length + 2]
        : new int[contents.Length + 2];
    x = [int.MinValue, .. contents, int.MaxValue];
    ReadOnlySpan<int> items = x;
    return ImmutableList.Create(items);
Programming C# 12 Book, by Ian Griffiths, published by O'Reilly Media, is now available to buy.

so that I don't have to implement that spread with my own loop. But this doesn't seem to be possible.

So it seems that once you get into the (somewhat rareified) realm of code that makes decisions about whether dynamically-sized collections can safely use stackalloc, collection expressions are of no use to you. Perhaps that its for the best: if you're writing code that needs to make these sorts of decisions, it's arguably a good thing for the behaviour to be explicit.

To be fair, this most people don't write that sort of code. And if you're not writing that sort of code, collection expressions will be as efficient as it's safe to be.

Why doesn't it work with var?

The C# team couldn't decide on the natural type for these expressions. What type do you think xs should be here?

var xs = [1, 2, 3];

(Incidentally, this illustrates in a nutshell exactly what I dislike about var. It forces you to stop and think about what the type of a variable actually is. In this case, that's a sufficiently hard question to answer that the C# team has been trying to work out what it should be for several years now. Code that makes you stop and think for several years is not good for productivity.)

Perhaps you think it should obviously be int[]? But that might be inefficient, so maybe it should obviously be ReadOnlySpan<int>. That raises the question: should code that does this expect to be able to modify the list, in which case, this code had better create a new instance every time it executes. But if you actually didn't need that, it would be far more efficient for this to return the same thing every time.

It's really not obvious what the type should be here, which is why the compiler will reject this code. (It's possible the compiler team will eventually decide on a natural type for collection expressions, but they did not do so in C# 12.0.)

Type generation

You've seen that the compiler will sometimes generate an inline array type as part of its code generation for collection expressions. That's not the only kind of type that it might generate. If you write this:

IEnumerable<int> xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

the compiler generates an IEnumerable<int> implementation for you. That might be rather surprising. Why doesn't this code just create an array? The clue is in the name of the generated type, which will be something similar to <>z__ReadOnlyArray<T>. It's a read-only implementation: if you pass this to some method that casts to IList<int>, that cast will succeed, but attempts to modify the list will throw an exception.

This means that this IEnumerable<int> will always return the elements you provided in the collection expression—it can't be modified in a way that causes it to return different values. Maybe the compiler team did that to preserve the principle of least astonishment. Also, it makes it possible for this instance to be reused: since collections built this way are immutable, you can safely hand the same instance out to multiple times, and even use them concurrently from multiple threads.

One upshot of this is that using a collection expression to initialize an IEnumerable<int> is less efficient than using one to initialize an array. This code:

int[] xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

runs faster (about 39%) and allocates less memory (about 27%) than the preceding example.

Doesn't that contradict what I said earlier about collection expressions always choosing the most efficient mechanism? That depends on your point of view. If you want and expect an immutable collection in the first example, then that does actually require more work than simply allocating an array. So from that perspective, these two examples are asking for different things, and therefore have different costs. However, you could also argue that it's not obvious that I'm asking for an immutable collection in the first example.

This is really just a variation of the problem that leads to the fact that you can't use var: it's hard to decide what the natural type of a collection should be. Some people might expect immutability with IEnumerable<int>, so the compiler has been cautious and always delivers that. If the performance difference between that and an array matters to you, it's easy enough to tell the compiler what type you want.

This has some significance for a new feature in C# 13.0 by the way. Just two and a half decades after the params keyword was introduced (in C# 1.0), we finally got a feature people have been asking for ever since: the ability to use it with other types. For example, you can now write this in C# 13.0:

public static void LotsOfArgs(params IEnumerable<int> numbers) { ... }

When you invoke a method with a params argument, the compiler uses the same logic as it would do with a collection initializer. In effect, it turns this:

LotsOfArgs(1, 2, 3);

into this:

LotsOfArgs([1, 2, 3]);

So that means it will create one of these immutable IEnumerable<int> implementations here, making this less efficient than params int[]. I don't think this is a huge deal because IEnumerable<int> is typically going to result in less efficient code anyway: a foreach over an array can avoid allocating an enumerator but it can't avoid that when using IEnumerable<T>. Performance sensitive code can use params ReadOnlySpan<int> in C# 13.0, which enables more efficient code than either IEnumerable<T> or an array.

No support for dictionaries yet

The older C# collection initializer syntax supports types whose Add method takes multiple arguments, enabling you to initialize dictionaries thus:

new Dictionary<string, string> { {"A", "Horses" }, { "B", "Mutton" } };

Alternatively, you could use the object initializer syntax (which uses the indexer rather than Add, but would have the same outcome in this particular example):

new Dictionary<string, string> { ["A"] = "Horses", ["B"] = "Mutton" };

Surprisingly, the new collection expression syntax has almost no support for dictionary-like collections. I say almost, because there's exactly one way you can use it:

Dictionary<string, string> d = [];

I find it slightly annoying that the C# code analyzers recommend this as the way to initialize any dictionary to an empty state. The reason I don't like it is that for anything other than completely empty collections, this collection expression syntax currently only supports creation of lists, not dictionaries. So it seems positively disingenuous to use it in this way. When I see [] I think "that's no dictionary."

The C# team has discussed possibly adding key/value syntax in future language versions, at which point that use of [] for an empty dictionary will no longer offend me. So I can see there's some logic here. I'd just prefer not to be instructed to use it by default here today.


Collection expressions might seem to provide a relatively small improvement for the scenarios that were already covered by initialization expressions, but they have some significant advantages. In many scenarios they perform much better than the older syntax. They also enable initialization of some types for which the older syntax simply doesn't work. They also support an entirely new features: spread elements enable us to include not just individual elements in the collection expression, but also expressions that represent lists to be injected into the final result. This syntax does not (as of C# 13.0) support initialization of dictionaries, but future versions might address this. And in all the scenarios where we can use either the old or new syntax, collection expressions always perform at least as well as the old approach, and will very often be more efficient.

Ian Griffiths

Technical Fellow I

Ian Griffiths

Ian has worked in various aspects of computing, including computer networking, embedded real-time systems, broadcast television systems, medical imaging, and all forms of cloud computing. Ian is a Technical Fellow at endjin, and 17 times Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies. He is the author of O'Reilly's Programming C# 12.0, and has written Pluralsight courses on WPF fundamentals (WPF advanced topics WPF v4) and the TPL. He's a maintainer of Reactive Extensions for .NET, Reaqtor, and endjin's 50+ open source projects. Ian has given over 20 talks while at endjin. Technology brings him joy.