Carmel Eve becomes a STEM Ambassador to promote tech in schools.

At endjin we are passionate about inclusivity and diversity in the industry.
With the aim of promoting and supporting women entering the technology industry, Carmel has become a STEM ambassador in her local area.
Through this, she has been talking to local students and teachers about the different paths into the technology industry. In these sessions she has discussed how she entered the industry from a science background, and the fact that you don't need to specialise early in order to be successful in tech.
There are many routes into the industry, and many people (students and teachers alike) worry that you need to focus on computing from the offset in order to succeed.
However, Carmel's message is this:
Logical problem solving is the single most important tool you need when going into the software industry. The building up of complex solutions from small logical steps is the fundamental concept which underpins all of programming.
And, this logical approach to deconstructing complex problems is something which is crucial to all science-based learning. In this way, science equips you for many of the challenges you will face as you enter a career in technology.
The idea that you need to go down a computer science route from the offset may discourage a lot of young people from seeing a career in software development as a possibility.
Through promoting the idea that there are many paths in the industry, Carmel hopes to open the door to students who don't know what they want to do at 15/16 (and really, who does?).
In this video, Carmel discusses these concepts in more detail:
If you are interested in becoming a STEM ambassador and making a difference in your area, sign up here!