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Using Azure Automation to run VMs during office hours only
Discover cloud computing's pay-as-you-use model and how turning off VMs outside office hours can save costs.

Elasticsearch gotchas and tips - part 2
We've delivered a number of Elasticsearch solutions on Azure. In this second post in the series, we share some useful tips.

Avoid circular dependencies with AngularJS Directives
How to use an $injector service to avoid a circular dependency error dynamically resolving templates in a templateRepository.

Using AngularJS decorators to resolve view templates by resource content type
In this post we show how you can render a container based on content-type

Have you signed up for the Azure Weekly newsletter?
Azure Weekly is our FREE weekly newsletter containing a round up of all the news and interesting blog posts about the Azure ecosystem.

Azure Weekly Newsletter
We have started to publish a FREE weekly newsletter covering all the latest news about the Microsoft Azure ecosystem

Jasmine MetaRunner for TeamCity
Meta-Runners allow you to easily create reusable build components for TeamCity, in this post I demonstrate how to create a Meta-Runner to wrap Jasmine BDD Framework test runner.

Unit testing AngularJS with Visual Studio, ReSharper and TeamCity
In this post, Mike demonstrates how you can test AngularJS with Visual Studio, ReSharper and TeamCity for the full local and CI/CD DevOps experience.

Troubleshooting Twilio with New Relic
We created an an automated, telephony-based candidate interviewing system using .NET and Azure. We used New Relic and Twilio to simplify first line support. In this post we delve into some of the technical details.

Restrict access to Azure Websites by accept-listing
By utilising the IP and Domain Restrictions feature in IIS, it is possible to lock down your Azure Website to only allow access to IP addresses and domains that you have specified in a accept list. Learn how in this post.

Using SemanticMerge to fix Git merge conflicts
How can you use the SemanticMerge tool to help you deal with GIT merge conflicts? Here's an overview of the process.

Gotchas when installing an Elasticsearch cluster on Microsoft Azure
We've built a number of Elasticsearch clusters on Microsoft Azure. This blog post contains some of our top tips and gotchas.

A step by step guide to developing Visual Studio item templates using SideWaffle
In this post, we explore the use of SideWaffle to create a frictionless experience for developers wanting to create repeatable plugins.

Guest Blog Post: End of Week Two Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. In his final post, he reflects on the past two weeks.

Guest Blog Post: Week Two – Day Four of Work Experience 2014
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his reflections on his fourth day.

Guest Blog Post: Week Two - Day Three of Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his reflections on the 3rd day of his second week.

Guest Blog Post: Week Two - Day Two Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his write up of the second day of his second week.

Guest Blog Post: Start of Week Two Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers the start of his second week.
Guest Blog Post: End of Week One Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his reflections on his first week.

Guest Blog Post: Third Day of Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his reflections on his third day.

A Step by Step Guide to Testing NuGet Packages Locally
Discover our tutorial on local NuGet package testing, filling documentation gaps with a concise, step-by-step guide.

Guest Blog Post: Second Day of Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks gaining work experience at endjin. This post covers his reflections on his second day.

How to retry commands in PowerShell
Transient failures can happen at any time. There are many useful frameworks for .NET, but what about PowerShell?

Create a custom TeamCity PowerShell MetaRunner to Notify NewRelic that new deployment has occurred
You can easily notify NewRelic that a deployment has occured. In this post I demonstrate how to turn a script into a reusable TeamCity Metarunner.

Guest Blog Post: First Day of Work Experience (2014)
Jack, 15, is spending two weeks at endjin doing work experience. In this post he describes his experience of his first day.