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How to use Power BI Embedded with AspNetCore
This post shows how to add a Power BI Embedded report to an ASP.NET Core application.

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Mobile Services

All Bootcamped Out: the 5-day workshop survival guide
We've been running workshops and training sessions for a long time now, and one thing we've learned from that is that PEOPLE DO WORKSHOPS WRONG. From MBA classes, to design sessions, there seems to be a common problem: burn-out. We give you a survival guide for multi-day bootcamps and workshops, to get the most out of them, and take care of yourself in the process.

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Internet of Things

My internship at endjin – New Proposition Development, Programming, and a very long list of acronyms
During her two month internship we tried to expose her to as many different aspects of endjin as possible; from New Proposition Development, marketing, partner & business development activities, as well as our software engineering processes and the Microsoft Azure ecosystem.

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Analytics & Big Data

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Database

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Storage & Content Delivery

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Compute

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform

Cloud Adoption: A Deep Dive into the Swiss Cheese Model
In the second part of this series, we take a deep dive into the Swiss Cheese Model and show how this type of threat modelling is essential for understanding the risks that adopting Microsoft Azure post your organisation, and how you mitigate them.

Querying the Azure DevOps Work Items API directly from Power BI
Discover Azure DevOps Work Items features, use RESTful API for insights, and Power BI visualization in our step-by-step guide.

Automating creation of new ALM environments using PowerShell and Azure DevOps
Did you know that you can fully automate the bootstrapping process of setting up an Azure DevOps enviornment? This post shows you how.

Microsoft Azure Most Valuable Professional 2016
It is with a huge amount of honour to announce that endjin co-founder, Howard van Rooijen, has been awarded an Azure MVP award for his contributions to the Azure ecosystem.

Guest Blog Post: Hello World! I'm Adanma and I'm doing work experience.
Adanma spent a week with endjin gaining work experience, to see if a job in the world of Tech is something she'd like to do.

"But it works on my cloud!" - are your developers still making the same mistakes in a world of DevOps and PaaS services?
In the world of DevOps, cloud and platform services, how does a developer's "definition of done" need to change? This post argues that as the silos of development and operations are broken down, the responsibility of understanding the whole solution increases meaning, to truly take advantage of the cloud, the need for quality and professionalism is critical for success.

Automating R Unit Tests With Azure DevOps
Many organisations are starting to adopt the R Programming Language for their data science and financial modelling scenarios. But just because the language is being used for modelling, doesn't mean you should write unit tests that can be exercised as part of your CI/CD pipeline. In this blog post Jess Panni demonstrates how you can run R unit tests inside Azure DevOps.

Deploying to Azure using Azure Resource Manager templates and Octopus Deploy
Learn how to combine the power of Azure Resource Manager and Octopus Deploy for a frictionless Azure DevOps experience.

Cloud Adoption: Risks & Mitigations Analysis
In the first part of this series, we look at how you take a strategic look at the risks of adopting Microsoft Azure, and how you report these to C-level execs.

Using Postman to load test an Azure Machine Learning web service
Explore creating and testing an Azure ML Studio web service using Postman for efficient machine learning model production.

TeamCity MetaRunner for creating Release Annotations in Azure Application Insights
Meta-Runners allow you to easily create reusable build components for TeamCity, in this post I demonstrate how to create a Meta-Runner to create Azure Application Insights Release Annotations.

Year 2 as a software engineering apprentice at endjin
Alice reflects on year 2, being given more responsibility, diving deeper into all aspects of software delivery, and the good habits she's been building.

Automated R Deployments in Azure

My Apprenticeship Retrospective
In this post, Mike Larah reflects on his experiences going through the endjin three-year apprenticeship scheme

Using Azure Automation to run VMs during office hours only – using graphical runbooks
We've improved our approach for saving money by turning off our virtual machines outside of office hours. This post explored how to do it using graphical runbooks.