James Broome talks about ensuring data quality at Virtual Data Platform Summit 2022

James Broome is presenting a brand new talk "Do those numbers look right?" at the Virtual Data Platform Summit 2022, following up on his very well received "How to define business requirements for a successful cloud data & analytics project" talk at the summit in 2021.
How to ensure quality, and avoid inaccuracies in your data insights.
The need to validate business rules and security boundaries within a data solution is important, as well as the need for ensuring that quality doesn't regress over time as it evolves. Data insights are useless or even dangerous if they can't be trusted, and in this session, James will explain how and why they should treated just like any other software project with respect to testing - by building automated quality gates into the end to end development process.
During the session, he'll walkthrough some practical examples and proven techniques around testing data solutions - including Power BI reports, Synapse Pipelines and interactive Spark notebooks.
To watch the session, register for FREE and you can also check out the schedule for other sessions.