Ian Griffiths presenting at Visual Studio Live! 2023 Las Vegas

Ian Griffiths will be presenting two talks and a workshop at Visual Studio Live 2023 in Las Vegas from the 19th-24th March 2023:
T04: What's New in C#
03/21/2023 8:00am - 9:15am
New versions of C# and .NET drop every year. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the flow of new features.
Ian has been the author of O'Reilly's "Programming C#" book series for over a decade. In this talk he will be describing features in the latest releases of the language and runtime. He will also provide a peek at what's in the pipeline for C# 12 and .NET 8.0.
You will learn:
- About the features added to the latest versions of C#
- About the features added to the latest versions of .NET
- What is planned for C# 12 and .NET 8.0
More details about the session here
T10 Be Ready: Optimizing Cold Start with .NET 6.0 in the Cloud
03/21/2023 1:30pm - 2:45pm
Cloud providers offer a wide range of options for hosting .NET based web services including containers as a service, hosted Kubernetes, Service Fabric, or platforms such as Azure Functions and AWS Lambda. .NET 6.0 gives us a lot of ways to tweak how our code runs, and these choices have an impact on performance. Throughput and response time get a lot of attention, but cold start times are hugely important, and often much harder to analyze. In this talk, you'll learn how to ensure your services are ready to leap into action as quickly as possible.
You will learn:
- Understand the factors affecting cold start times in the cloud
- Understand the tools and technique .NET offers for improving cold start
- Understand how to repeatably, reliable measure and analyze cold start performance
More details about the session here
F02 Workshop: Building Azure PaaS Apps with C#
03/24/2023 8:00am - 5:00pm
Making the leap from samples and educational demos to building real systems in Azure is difficult. Simple examples tend to punt on tricky issues such as secret management, authentication, and handling configuration in multiple environments. Demos don't usually show what to do when things don't work right (at least, not on purpose), even though a lot of development work involves diagnosing problems.
This workshop will show how to build web applications and APIs on Azure App Service (Azure Web Apps, and Azure Functions) and also Azure Container Apps. It will present techniques for managing critical secrets in a 'zero-trust' way, so that developers don't need direct access to storage account keys or connection strings. It will show strategies for managing configuration across multiple dev, test, and prod environments. It will illustrate how to use Azure AD both to secure access to your application, but also to provide higher-security service-to-service communication than more commonplace approaches. You will see how to architect systems to take full advantage of Azure's network-level security.
You will also learn techniques for diagnosing problems in the cloud, and for investigating performance issues. You will see how to use an extend Azure's built-in monitoring features to keep track of your system's vital signs. You will also see how to build detailed observability into your systems using Application Insights.
You will learn:
- Techniques for diagnosing problems in complex cloud systems
- How to manage secrets and configuration effectively across multiple environments
- How to provide deep observability and monitoring on Azure