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Matthew Adams By Matthew Adams Co-Founder
January 2015 Browser Share

As gets a few tens of thousands of users a month, who tend to be focussed in the general segment of 'Microsoft Platform Developers, CIOs and CTOs", and tend to arrive via a Google search, we have (more out of interest than anything else) been keeping tabs on browser share.

Starting this month, I'm going to publish those stats on the blog, as you might find them interesting too.

We also have a number of customer websites with interesting traffic numbers. For comparison, I'm going to publish some stats from a site whose audience has a high proportion of ABC1s, viewing in England.

Microsoft Platform Developers, CIOs, CTOs, Global

Browser January
Share % Change (%points)
Chrome 64 0
Firefox 16 0
Safari 9 4
IE (all) 8 0

Then, drilling into IE versions

Azure Weekly is a summary of the week's top Microsoft Azure news from AI to Availability Zones. Keep on top of all the latest Azure developments!

IE 1167

IE Version January
Share %
IE 10 14
IE 9 12
IE 8 6
IE 7 1
IE 6 0
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This is the first month we have had exactly zero sessions from IE6 since we started the site 4 years ago. Compared to a year ago, IE 8 usage is down by 70%, and IE 11 usage has nearly doubled (with a little spike around the end-of-life announcements in August).

English ABC1s

Browser January
Share % Change (%points)
Chrome 29 0
Firefox 6 -1
Safari 46 3
IE (all) 15 -2

Again, drilling into IE versions

IE 1151

IE Version January
Share %
IE 10 10
IE 9 22
IE 8 14
IE 7 3
IE 6 0

Interesting to see a far higher proportion of IE 9 users - perhaps reflecting Windows 7 consumers who have not updated their browser since it was installed on their machine, and of course, far higher Safari usage: 28% of all sessions are from iPhone or iPad.

Matthew Adams


Matthew Adams

Matthew was CTO of a venture-backed technology start-up in the UK & US for 10 years, and is now the co-founder of endjin, which provides technology strategy, experience and development services to its customers who are seeking to take advantage of Microsoft Azure and the Cloud.