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Matthew Adams By Matthew Adams Co-Founder
Using AngularJS decorators to resolve view templates by resource content type

It is quite common in our applications to retrieve a resource via a link, and then find a view to render that resource, based on its content type.

For example, we might have resources like this:

{ contentType: 'application/vnd.endjin.test.greeting', content: { greeting: 'hello', greet: 'world' } }
{ contentType: 'application/vnd.endjin.test.salutation', content: { salutation: 'hail', greet: 'caesar' } }

And one view that binds to that first resource type

<div ng-controller="GreetingController">
    <p><span ng-bind="content.greeting"></span>&nbsp;<span ng-bind="content.greet"></span></p>

And another that binds to that second resource type

<div ng-controller="SalutationController">
    <p><span ng-bind="content.salutation"></span>&nbsp;<span ng-bind="content.greet"></span></p>
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Notice that the views have controllers specific to the content type of the resource they expect to present, and bind to properties of the content of that type.

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Let's assume that there's a parent controller that gets this resource from some url that may return one of a number of different 'greeting-like' resources of this kind (think of it as a polymorphic type in classical OO terms). This then presents the appropriate view by doing an ng-include of the relevant view, using the content type.

<div class="someParent">
  <div ng-include="resource.contentType"></div>

If you try this at home, and look at your network traffic, you'll see that the ng-include directive uses the $templateCache to go off and try to find the view. Unfortunately, this makes an HTTP request for a resource at "/application/vnd.endjin.test.greeting".

While you could construct a controller which returns an appropriate resource at that path, what we'd really like to do is to translate this into a request for an appropriate view for the content type.

One way to do this would be to provide a mechanism on our parent controller to do this translation:

$scope.translateContentTypeToUri = function(contentType) {
  return '/api/views/' + encodeURIComponent(contentType);

And then call that from our view

<div class="someParent">
  <div ng-include="translateContentTypeToUri(resource.contentType)"></div>

Of course, this would require changing all our controllers (even if we wrapped the actual work up into a service they all consume).

And the code in the view is pretty ugly, too.

A better approach might be to create a decorator for the $templateCache to do the lookup for us, behind the scenes.

Here's an example using that technique:

app.config(["$provide", function ($provide) {
    $provide.decorator("$templateCache", ["$delegate", "templateRepository", function ($delegate, templateRepository) {
        // Stash away the original get method
        var origGetMethod = $delegate.get;
        // Replace it with our getter
        $delegate.get = function (url) {
            // Do we match our content type family prefix?
            var prefix = 'application/vnd.endjin.test';
            if (url.slice(0, prefix.length) == prefix) {
                return templateRepository.getTemplate(url);
            // Otherwise, use the original get method
            return origGetMethod(url);

        return $delegate;

The very cool thing about this is that I can have multiple view providers (e.g. for different families of content types), and each can register its own decorator, and they will all get a go!

The templateRepository service that this code depends on abstracts the lookup of the template content type (so it could be as simple as a loop back through the $templateCache for a specific named template).

Obviously, you could make this more complex - defer a lookup over HTTP using promises, for example, but the principle is the same.

And our view goes back to being very clean and simple:

<div class="someParent">
  <div ng-include="resource.contentType"></div>

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Matthew Adams


Matthew Adams

Matthew was CTO of a venture-backed technology start-up in the UK & US for 10 years, and is now the co-founder of endjin, which provides technology strategy, experience and development services to its customers who are seeking to take advantage of Microsoft Azure and the Cloud.