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Learn how endjin designed & built a planetary scale real-time data architecture using Microsoft Azure & AI.

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From strategy to design and build, our customers succeed by adopting our best traits; absorbing our expertise, assimilating our processes, and leveraging our Intellectual Property.

We are a consultancy with deep expertise in Azure, Data, AI, & complex software engineering. We are Microsoft Gold Partners for Cloud Platform, Data Platform, Data Analytics, DevOps, a Power BI Partner, and .NET Foundation Corporate Sponsors.

Our results speak for themselves. Start-ups funded or exited. Chaotic teams struggling to deliver, converted into high-performance teams who deliver weekly. New cloud based products & solutions that are celebrated in global conference keynotes as exemplars of the 'art of the possible' made real.

See our case studies

Microsoft Fabric extends the promise of Azure Synapse integration to all analytics workloads from the data engineer to the business knowledge worker. It brings together Power BI, Data Factory, and the Data Lake, on a new generation of the Synapse data infrastructure.

Delivered as a unified SaaS offering, it aims to reduce cost and time to value, while enabling new "citizen data science" capabilities. We've been on the private preview for the past 6 months and have been putting it through its paces.

See our deep dives into the platform
Microsoft Fabric

We help organizations of all sizes from start-ups to global enterprises across financial services, media & comms, retail & consumer goods, and professional services.

In the Cloud Native era, apps are complex, interconnected & data driven. Reactive programming is a useful paradigm for any system that has to deal with things happening, and solves the problem of extracting intelligent signals from the noise of modern data volumes.

Reactive Extensions for .NET was created in 2008 by the Cloud Programmability team at Microsoft, for a Cloud Native future, which has now arrived

The System.Reactive NuGet package has been downloaded over 150 million times, and is used by Visual Studio, .NET Interactive and ReactiveUI.

Since 2023, the Open Source project has been maintained by endjin.

GitHub Repo

Reactive programming provides clarity when our code needs to respond to events. The Rx.NET libraries were designed to enable cloud-native applications to process live data in reliable, predictable ways.

We've written a FREE book which explains the vital abstractions that underpin Rx, and shows how to exploit the powerful and extensive functionality built into the Rx.NET libraries.

Reaqtor evolves Rx.NET by adding state & durability primitives to enable long running queries, for processing live or historic data streams. Reaqtor is used by Bing, MSN, and M365 to handle billions of standing stateful queries, processing thousands of events per second.

We spent 5 years collaborating with Microsoft to Open Source Reaqtor under the .NET Foundation and become the project maintainers.

Whether it's programming language fundamentals, Reactive Programming, DevOps, or Data & Analytics, our expertise fills volumes.

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We help small teams achieve big things. We help our customers succeed by adopting our best traits; absorbing our expertise, assimilating our processes, and leveraging our Intellectual Property. But all of this starts and ends with our people.

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We like to share our knowledge; hard won experience from delivering bleeding edge projects or building IP, and insights from being an innovative, cloud-first, distributed start-up.

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